Sunday, February 8, 2009


Well, I am watching National Treasure again.
I really want to become like Nicolas Cage, well not like him but the character he plays in the movie. Smart, REALLY smart. I've also been thinking about writing in this every week, not everyday, once a week.
Now, if you've seen the movie, you will understand what this picture is all about.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Today, school wasn't so ok for me. But, I survived. Hope it's better tomorrow.
My mom got a new job today, after 12 years going to Stockholm.
That's almost four hours ride with the car everyday. So now she works in our city.
She bought me Subway! That was nice of her :)
Then I went to the gym with my friend from school. I got biiiig muscles.
And it's also good if you play basketball. My coach says I can't play the Swedish Championships in school cause I got bad knees. We're working on that and hopefully I can play.
After gym I went home and sleeped 2-3 hours. So I woke up almost 1 hour ago.
Now I'm sitting here with my dad watching National Treasure with Nicolas Cage, it's such a good movie! Haha and he actually kidnapped the president. Nicolas' name in the movie is Ben Gates. And his dads grandfather was a president too, but he did something bad - so Ben could go to prison if anybody will find out they're related to each other.
There is a president book in this movie, which I'd really like to see someday, but it doesn't excist. I don't think so. Anyhow, I'm really glad that Obama is the president now. Did you know that 96 % who voted for him were black people? That is pretty cool. What is pretty cool now is that this movie I'm watching, the camera just got a pretty big water spot on it. They are in water. It's gone now though.
Well, I better get to bed now.