Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Today I was out with my school somewhere 30 minutes away. Some were skiing, ice skating and so on. I was just chilling four straight hours at one single place, next to the fire. I couldn't say I didn't freeze my butt off, cause I did. I don't feel so good right now either after those hours freezing to death! My school is next to my grandpa and grandmas house, so I went to them knocking at the door for 30 minutes, no one answered so I gave up and took the bus to the city. I bought some Subway! Yummey. I bought salad and a sandwich. Took the bus home. In the bus I got so hungry that I ate up all my chips in about two - three minutes. After eating up my food, I was still hungry.
So two days ago, monday, Coach said it was IMPOSSIBLE to bench down 100 points in five minutes, if we worked really hard. See, 100 points is 50 ''goals'', so yeah it's hard. But when I don't run och work, I'll make it to 20-30. But this time I ran, and benched down 88. That's 44 goals. I was close to 50, but I worked.
Impossible is nothing :)

Friday, January 23, 2009

Chilling day

I know I haven't been able to write anything these days, but I don't have anything to write about. Yesterday and today I've been home cause I am sick. So is my mom. And my brother as I said has moved, and my dad is not home. He is with his work somewhere in Sweden to celebrate 25 years. So we hate our dog right now, cause no one wants to take her out so she pretty much pooped at our carpet today. Ha ha, she is so cute!! Right now I am just chilling and looking for clothes. There is a shop called forever21 who has cute clothes, and also dEliAs. Maybe I'll buy something! I really miss Canada, specially their drugstores. They have so good things there. I don't know why, haha, but I love it. They got pretty much everything there. Even cute makeup things. That's all, I'll write later.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Basketball in Uppsala.

I'm sorry I haven't been able to write for a couple of days.
I have been in Helsingborg which is about 6 hours away from where I live. My big brother Borna just moved there, so we helped him out with his new house. Helsingborg is really close to Denmark. If you take a boat, it will take about 10-15 minutes. And everybody talks so wierd there. So I just came home from a basketball game, I didn't play though. Uppsalas ladies did. Uppsala is the city I live in. The coach, Zlatan, always yell at me - NADIA, WHEN ARE YOU COMING TO PLAY WITH US!? I'm 13 and he wants me to play with girls over 20!!
Haha, he is funny. And a great guy. He used to coach a team called Akropol, a men team. They played in the league (he's trying to make the women come all the way to the league too) but they won 7 games I think. Of like 30. He got kicked out later on. Akropol isn't in the league anymore cause they had 7000 dollars bill, and no one could give the money. That is 65000 kr. The ladies won. 90-49. Their 14 straight win. They lost their first game with 2 points, against a team they never won over in I think 2 seasons. But they won over them a few weeks ago. I'm Salléns (the team) ball girl :) It's fun. Oh, today I spoke to my favorite coach in the world! WALLY SMITH! He is from USA but he's been here almost 35 years. He is over 50 years old. So nice! I gotta go now, my pizza is getting cold!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Hello! I forgot the password and the email adress to my old blog, (haha) so I decided to make a new one. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year by the way. I swear to God, Santa really exists. I heard so many noises from the tree, the decorations and even the chimney. My mom is here with me and we have fun. I'm thinking what we are doing that's fun.. and well.. I got nothing.. :) Well, I've been thinking pretty much about me and basketball. I'm coming back - hotter than Jordan! Today our american coach in school told us to hit 50 two pointers and 50 three. I made 50, but gave it up at 18 when it camed to three pointers. But my coach told the other girls that they could make 25, but I didn't know! Then when our practice was over I went and benched down 7, and I was finished. Hard work, I got really tired after that. Cause you got to give up alot of power, and our 3 point line is further away than it is in USA or Canada. I don't really like american basketball players. I do, but not like those who are really famous like Kobe or LeBron. Cause people only like them for their names. Oh believe me, there are some of them in my class. And then we got Michael Jordan. You know, I really look up to him as a role model for what he does. He really says smart words, and yeah, he is a great person. My favorite NBA team, is Detroit Pistons. For a country, I really like Spain. You see up there? That's José Caldéron and Jorge Garbajosa of the Toronto Raptors. Jorge doesn't play there any longer, he got injured. Then we got Pau Gasol and Juan Carlos Navarro from Memphis Grizzlies. But Pau plays in LA Lakers and Juan in FC Barcelona in Spain. Paus brother, Marc Gasol is still in the Grizzlies. And guess who plays with Marc? The first iranian basketball player in the NBA. Hamed Haddadi. All those spanish player I just mentioned plays in the national team. :)
So yeah, that's me. The basketball freak. Now I got to sleep!
