Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Today I was out with my school somewhere 30 minutes away. Some were skiing, ice skating and so on. I was just chilling four straight hours at one single place, next to the fire. I couldn't say I didn't freeze my butt off, cause I did. I don't feel so good right now either after those hours freezing to death! My school is next to my grandpa and grandmas house, so I went to them knocking at the door for 30 minutes, no one answered so I gave up and took the bus to the city. I bought some Subway! Yummey. I bought salad and a sandwich. Took the bus home. In the bus I got so hungry that I ate up all my chips in about two - three minutes. After eating up my food, I was still hungry.
So two days ago, monday, Coach said it was IMPOSSIBLE to bench down 100 points in five minutes, if we worked really hard. See, 100 points is 50 ''goals'', so yeah it's hard. But when I don't run och work, I'll make it to 20-30. But this time I ran, and benched down 88. That's 44 goals. I was close to 50, but I worked.
Impossible is nothing :)

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